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Welcome 2011Hello to all of you faithful readers! Here is to hoping for and wishing you all a great new year with new challenges, more success, and good health! Feel free to drop me a line regarding any suggestions you may have for the newsletter, whether it be topics to cover, specifics, or information you would like to see included. I have moved away from doing a new product review each month simply because I have not seen that many new items or gadgets lately that I could see putting to use in my days on the water. If one of interest should pop up, I will include it. I am always interested in making this epub more useful to you the end user so feel free to drop me a line with your thoughts. The annual comparison of total fish numbers tells a tale in itself. During the calendar year of 2009 we landed 203 fish of four pounds or better, 8 of those weighed 7 pounds or more with a top fish of 9 pounds. In 2010 we landed 217 fish of four pounds or better, 15 of those fish weighed 7 pounds of more with a top fish of 9 pounds. While the real big fish numbers are definitely down, there is a real good “lump” working its way through the snake. The size class of fish that includes 5, 6, and 7 pounders has grown as evidenced by our numbers. In 2009 we landed 72 fish in this weight group and in 2010 that number grew to 80 which represents a good sign with the 6 and 7 pound group showing the most gain. |
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Current Fishing on Clear LakeAs many of you already know, winter fishing on Clear Lake can be brutal. Some winters we get relatively mild weather and other winters the freezer door has been left open. This is one of those years that has left us dealing with dense fog hanging on the lake and beautiful, sunny days inland just a hundred feet from the shoreline. The water temperature has continued to drop over the past several weeks to the low 40‘s which is a range where it is just flat tough to get these bass to bite. This is a time of year and this is the kind of year that you need to match your desire to fish with the weather pattern. What I mean by that can be demonstrated by results of a fishing trip just last week. A major storm blows through with rain, snow, and wind. It lasts for two full days with snow levels down to the lake level, an inch or so at our place, and upwards of 6 inches in some of the surrounding communities...a pretty big event for our elevation. The storm slides away and on day 3 we have clear skies and leftover wind. Day 4 brings a shift in the wind although it blows from a little different direction. These fish don’t do well in cold water and they don’t do well in muddy water so the end result of trying to fish after a storm like this that both cooled the water and stained it up with heavy wind action was even with live bait, we blanked. Not pretty but it happens to all of us so if you have a choice don’t put your self in that set of conditions. So what type of conditions should you be trying to catch during the winter on Clear Lake? Sunny afternoons, very light wind if at all, and the clearest water you can find. That set of conditions will give you the best chance to at least find some action. Recently the results have been tough. This past weekend saw a local team tournament post one 5 fish limit, several boats were able to bring 2 fish to the scales, and the remainder of the field struggled to bring a fish to the weigh in. It is not just here either. Shasta and the Delta are off form as well. Look for things to brighten up towards the end of the month depending on the storm track. On a bright note! Many of you have never been on this lake in January with as much water as we currently are enjoying. The lake level is a full 3 feet more than last year at this time and I can’t remember the last time Clear Lake was this high so early in the rain season. At its current level, it is just a bit more than 2 feet from full pool with over two months of rainy season left to go. La Nina is doing her thing! |
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Activity This MonthThe new tournament seasons are well underway. The 15th, 16th, and 22nd have scheduled team events. Of course, there will be numerous other smaller events taking place that are predominantly smaller, club size events that will not show up on the schedule. As always, if you are planning a trip to Clear Lake and don’t know if your dates are going to be shared with a competitive event, drop me a line and I will let you know what I see listed on the calendar maintained by DFG. Just another service we offer. |
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Scheduling in 2011If you are thinking about fishing in March, April, or May next year start thinking about some dates, making plans, and firming up dates on our calendar. There just were not very many dates left open for those 3 months in 2010 and I don’t want anyone to miss out on the action in 2011. |
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ClosingThank you for your continued interest and support of Clear Lake Guide Service! Our business continues to grow with the help of you and your spreading the word and my wife Deb and I both thank you. Good fishing and keep a tight line. |
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Miss an Issue of the Clear Lake Report?We have archived all of our past Clear Lake Report Issues on our Clear Lake Fishing Guide Service website! Go to our Clear Lake Fishing Report Index!
Good fishing, and I look forward to seeing you soon! |